STO2 safely landed and retrieved data

In an earlier news item, the launch of the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO2) was mentioned. The STO2 telescope circled along with the polar vortex 39 km above Antarctica on a giant NASA balloon, to investigate interstellar gas clouds. After three weeks, on December 30th, 2016, the STO2 safely landed back on Antarctica. During the mission, … Continued

Polar balloon STO2 on its way

Last year it stayed on the ground due to bad weather conditions, but this year it went up last Thursday December 8th at 21.30 hours: the STO2 telescope, that will peer into molecular clouds in the universe where stars are born, while hanging on a giant NASA balloon, 40 kilometers above Antarctica.The NASA balloon that … Continued

DSI Symposium: Space for Society

On November 29th, the TU Delft Space Institute hosted the symposium ‘Space for Society’ with about 80 participants. The symposium demonstrated the close link between space and society and how the TU Delft can facilitate this link. Dr. Ger Nieuwpoort, Director of the Netherlands Space Office (NSO), provided the opening address. Each theme of the … Continued

First DSI Space Drink at EKL

On Thursday November 3rd, TU Delft Space Institute hosted the first Space drink event at the Else Kooy Laboratory (EKL) at the Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. During this event presentations were given by EKL researcher Henk van Zeijl and PhD student Marsil de Athayde Costa e Silva. After these presentations drinks and snacks were available and there was time to network with other … Continued

First Learning Robot in Space

At the 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Guadalajara, Mexico, Leopold Summerer (head of ESA’s Advanced Concepts Team) presented the Self-Supervised Learning experiment, which has been performed on board of the International Space Station (ISS). A small drone successfully taught itself to see distances using only one eye. The experiment was designed in collaboration between the European Space Agency … Continued

DSI Presents to ESA Director General Jan Woerner

On September 7th, the TU Delft Space Institute gave a presentation on behalf of CESAER to ESA Director General Jan Woerner. CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) is a non-profit international association of leading European universities of technology. The occasion was ESA’s request for input from CESAER with respect to … Continued

Special Section in Journal “Acta Astronautica” Published

The June/July 2016 edition of Acta Astronautica hosts a Special Section of 10 scientific peer reviewed papers, selected from the eighth International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying (IWSCFF). The Workshop was held at the Delft University of Technology from June 8-10, 2015. The papers of this Special Section cover a broad range of aspects … Continued