NOVA develops METIS instrument with European Southern Observatory (ESO)

The TU Delft Space Institute congratulates the Principal Investigator Bernhard Brandl, who is Professor of Infrared Astronomy at Leiden University and part-time Professor Astronomical Instrumentation at Delft University of Technology, to the agreement with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) for the design and construction of the METIS instrument. NOVA, the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy, … Continued

Delft home to 5th CEAS Air & Space Conference

From September 7th to September 11th, Delft was the home of a joint event combining the 5th CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Societies) Air & Space Conference and the 12th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education (EWADE). CEAS 2015 was hosted by the Netherlands Association of Aerospace engineers NVvL in close cooperation with the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) … Continued

Delft students prepare for launch Stratos II+ rocket

The students of Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering (DARE) are preparing the launch of their new Stratos II+ rocket between October 13 and 15. The revised rocket was presented to the public at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering on September 3rd. After an attempt to launch the Stratos II rocket last year, two major updates to the Stratos II+ have been … Continued

TU Delft Space Institute in Netherlands Space Society magazine (NVR)

In the third edition of the Netherlands Space Society magazine (NVR), TU Delft Space Institute presents the space-related research areas conducted at five faculties.  Also it is described how it will act as a platform for cooperation in space-related activities and how it will form an inspiring environment for research and (Life Long) education. Cooperation within these faculties and with the outside … Continued

Space Lecture Series: Mr. Robbie Schingler of Planet Labs

Monday September 14th, TU Delft Space Institute hosts a third guest lecture in a series of lectures which will be given by Mr. Robbie Schingler, President and Co-Founder of Planet Labs, at the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering faculty. Planet Labs designs, builds and operates a network of satellites called “Doves.” In January 2014, Flock 1 was delivered, the world’s largest … Continued

Space Lecture Series: Prof. Dr. Christoph Keller “Are we alone? The technical challenges of finding life on an exoplanet.”

Tuesday June 30th, TU Delft Space Institute hosts a second guest lecture in a series of lectures which will be given by Prof. Dr. Christoph Keller at the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering faculty. Christoph Keller is Professor in Experimental Astrophysics at the University of Leiden. Title of the lecture is “Are we alone? The technical challenges … Continued

Piggybacking on interplanetary missions

Miniaturisation of spacecraft offers opportunities for universities that want to explore space. During his inaugural speech as a professor, Bert Vermeersen, described a future in which instruments from universities hitch rides to space. Read the full article of TU Delta, the indepent student newspaper of TU Delft,  here.

Swarms in space – Conference

Sometimes a swarm of small satellites works better than a big one. The future in remote sensing could well be in tiny, affordable cooperating satellites. The TU hosted a conference on formation flying satellites (IWSCFF)  from 8-10 June. Keynote speaker and TU alumnus Dr. RuneFloberghagen spoke about ESA’s swarm mission and other applications of swarm satellites from various … Continued

Mission accomplished

TU Delta, the independent student newspaper of TU Delft, interviewed professor Pieter Visser. Pieter Visser, aka ‘Satellite Pete’, has been appointed as professor of astrodynamics and space missions (2014). He spent more than twenty years working on the GOCE – the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer – mission.  He tells amongst others about … Continued

International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying

From 8 until 10 June Delft university of Technology is hosting an international workshop on satellite constellations and formation flying at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. This symposium is a unique opportunity to discuss the state of the art research and the challenging aspects for future space systems. These 3 days are an intense mixture … Continued