ESA handpicks TU Delft STEREOID and G-CLASS mission proposals

Out of the 21 proposals submitted for new satellite missions, ESA selected three mission ideas for feasibility study: Stereoid, Daedalus and G-Class.  Two of the three mission ideas (STEREOID and G-CLASS) came from the Satellite Radar Lab of TU Delft. The STEROID mission would orbit in formation with one of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellites. Carrying … Continued

PIPP-meeting on Breakthrough Technologies for Interferometry in Space

On July 10th a PIPP-meeting has taken place at TU Delft in collaboration with its partner institutes. PIPP stands for The NWO Principal Investigator Preparatory Program and is focused on Breakthrough technologies for Interferometry in Space. Interferometry is a key technology in which the Netherlands have a long tradition and a leading role in the … Continued

‘Save our Space’ Talk by Prof. Dr. Gill

Last April, Professor Gill has given a talk on Space Debris at the SOS Symposium 2018 in The Hague. The challenges of dealing with Space Debris and preventing hazardous situations are covered in the talk, which you can watch below.

Delfi-C3: first TU Delft satellite celebrates 10 years in space

Even more impressive is that the satellite is still functional and continues to send signals to Earth. Delfi-C3 was the first satellite designed and built by staff and students at TU Delft and the first ever Dutch nanosatellite to be launched. The small satellite demonstrates, amongst others, thin film solar cells and autonomous wireless sun … Continued

Publication success for DSI researchers

Based on the most recent news from Springer, two publications from members of the TU Delft Space Institute (DSI) made it to the top 10 of the list with the “most downloaded research of 2017” from all mechanical engineering journals from Springer. The DSI is of course very proud of this achievement. This concerns the … Continued

Two PIPP proposals, coordinated by TU Delft, selected by NWO

Recently, the TU Delft has submitted two proposals for PIPP (Partnerships for Space Instruments & Applications Preparatory Programme). The aim of the PIPP knowledge network regulations is to advance the international position of The Netherlands in the area of the development and use of space instruments, by supporting expertise networks. TU Delft coordinated the preparation … Continued

DSI-TNO “Innovate your Space” symposium – November 9th, 2017

On November 9th, the TU Delft Space Institute joined forces with TNO to organize the “Innovate your Space” Symposium at the Art Centre Delft. 120 experts from industry, knowledge institutes, government and academia attended the day, full of effective and fruitful discussions and meeting old and new partners and collaborators. The symposium was kick-started by … Continued