A step forward in Space Observation

Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in close collaboration with SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and LongWave Photonics LLC, have achieved a breakthrough in terahertz spectroscopy—a vital technology to study galaxies, stars, and planetary formation. They created a centimeter-sized, lightweight terahertz spectrometer that could replace traditional half-meter-sized, bulky, and heavy spectrometers in … Continued

Moonshot & Off – Earth Environments Symposium – Sept 19

On behalf of the Director of the Space Institute, Paco Lopez Dekker, you are invited to attend on the 19th of September, 14:00h the Symposium Moonshot & Off-Earth Environments @ the faculty of Mechanical Engineering, lecture hall E Please RSVP by sending an e-mail to SpaceInstitute@tudelft.nl. We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Balloon Telescope GUSTO lands on Antarctica after record-breaking flight

After a record-breaking 57 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes, NASA’s balloon telescope GUSTO completed its flight above Antarctica by landing on the ice by parachute. The mission was designed to last 55 days. GUSTO has observed atomic clouds in our own galaxy and its nearest neighbor with far-infrared cameras, developed by SRON and TU … Continued

GUSTO arrived on Antarctica

NASA’s GUSTO balloon observatory has arrived on Antarctica onboard the Wallops C-130 airplane. It is scheduled for launch around the 15th of December. GUSTO is equipped with three 8-pixel far-infrared cameras delivered by SRON and TU Delft and will carry out the first large-scale survey with velocity-resolved imaging of the spectral lines emitted by three … Continued

DSI project call 2022/23 is OPEN to all TU Delft employees

Closing date: February 1st, 2023. Funding: 200k Euro + co-funding. An interfaculty setting is mandatory. A multi-disciplinary setting is mandatory. Project Duration (1st phase): March 2023 –December 2024. This call is open to TU Delft employees only. Guidance for applicants: DSI’s Theme Leaders will provide instructions, the application form and guide all proposals. Contacts: Space … Continued

TU Delft Space Institute Seed Grants

The Board of the Delft Space Institute is happy to announce that these 4 projects have been awarded the DSI Seed Grant 2022 GPU-accelerated Memory-constrained Background Subtraction for Terabyte-sized METIS ELT Imaging Time Series Roger Moens, 3ME faculty Progress Project Hundred colors of galaxies validating ultra-wideband sub-mm spectroscopy Matus Rybak, EEMCS faculty Progress Project Space … Continued

NEW subsidy round 2022-1 of the programme ‘Use of space infrastructure for Earth observation and planetary research

Dear reader, Since last week, the Call for Proposals and application form for the new subsidy round 2022-1 of the programme ‘Use of space infrastructure for Earth observation and planetary research’ / ‘Gebruik van ruimte-infrastructuur voor aardobservatie- en planeetonderzoek’ (GO) are online. The documents and more details can be found here: CALL OPEN: Use of … Continued

TU Delft and partners to create superhighway for digital data

TU Delft researchers from the TU Delft Space Institute and the Dutch Optics Center and 20 partners will develop reliable and safe wireless broadband connections using light instead of radio waves. They anticipate that this technology will allow us to securely send and process digital data at high speeds, with low latency. For this research … Continued