Recently, the TU Delft has submitted two proposals for PIPP (Partnerships for Space Instruments & Applications Preparatory Programme). The aim of the PIPP knowledge network regulations is to advance the international position of The Netherlands in the area of the development and use of space instruments, by supporting expertise networks. TU Delft coordinated the preparation for these two proposals and gathered all Dutch key players in the field.
One proposal has been submitted within the PIPP theme “Breakthrough-technologies for distributed satellite systems”, entitled “Breakthrough Technologies for Interferometry in Space”. The other proposal has been submitted by within the PIPP theme “Breakthrough-technologies for space instruments in the microwave domain”, entitled “Dutch Network on Small Spaceborne Radar Instruments and Applications (NL-RIA)”. Both proposals fit in two of the focus themes “Distributed Space Systems” and “Sensing from Space”, of the Delft Space Institute.
Both proposals have been selected by the NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). The TU Delft Space Institute will support these two proposals through the knowledge and innovation capabilities of its staff, allowing access to its facilities and coordinate the program accounting for the necessary cooperation of Dutch partners.