Dear guest,
We are pleased to announce that the registration is now open for our upcoming DSI-TNOSRON ‘Innovate your Space’ Symposium themed
Big Data from Space vs. Lean information on Earth September 26 – 2023
Invited guests will represent the space community of the Netherlands, including research institutes, industry and government.
Our keynote speakers
Marco Esposito from COSINE,
Giuseppe Borghi from ESA,
Floris van Kempen, TNO
are prominent international representatives of multinationals, government and science institutes.
During the pitch rounds, young talent will be given the opportunity to pitch their ongoing or recently finished research to those attending the symposium.
In the afternoon two workshops in the context of the symposium will take place.
This year’s symposium will be held at
Delft University of Technology
Aula Congrescentrum
Mekelweg 5
Please stay up to date with the program on our website Big Data from Space vs. Lean Information on Earth since minor changes might occur.
Registration is open until the 10th of September 2023.
If you have questions, please send an email to
We hope to see you at our symposium.
Best regards,
Eberhard Gill, TU Delft Space Institute
Kees Buijsrogge, TNO
Avri Selig, SRON