A new KUKA robot, acquired by the TU Delft Space Institute, recently arrived at Science Centre Delft. It will be used for a project which will research how modified COTS robotic components can be used for low-cost robotic spaceflight applications. Long-term goal of the project is to perform a successful reliability testing of the COTS KUKA lightweight robot arm on the outside of the International Space Station (ISS). The arm is a high performance impedance controlled manipulator with seven degrees of freedom. It is ultimately the goal that a new ISS exterior test-bed demonstrates reliable robotic satellite servicing operations during 10000 cycles (repeated motion in position control, change to impedance control, approach and grasping of a free-floating object, docking and releasing). Before this, the short-term goal of the project is first to prove the concept with a demonstrator on the ground in a representative environment.